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OM-Kitchen Founder Tells the Story of his Health Journey

We interviewed OM-Kitchen head chef and founder, Odera Macfoy to learn about his personal journey to a healthy lifestyle.

1. What prompted you to pursue a healthy lifestyle?

Most of my life I stayed fit and active by actively participating in sports recreationally and also competitively. As life progressed, I became caught up in the rigors of life and my body did a great job reminding me that my body would not stay fit on its own. I Was gaining weight uncontrollably. I stopped eating 3 meals a day but instead, would have one or two and the latter pretty late at night. In time I could no longer shop from my favorite clothing stores, as my size was not available. I would easily get irritated during the day as I would sweat profusely, I could not climb the stairs without breathing heavily, talk less of running. A picture was taken at an event and when a copy was given to me I could not recognize the man in the picture. I spent the next 24 hours researching quick weight loss diets and workout routines to no avail. I later realized that a total lifestyle change would be necessary in order for me to achieve my weight loss goals. With the assistance of my cousin who has a background in nutrition and training, I created a meal plan and four months later I was down 50 pounds and could finally shop and wear nice fitting clothes.

2. What habits did you have to break in order to maintain this new lifestyle?

To be completely honest, I am human; I make mistakes but I will always pick myself up and keep striving to keep a clean body system and make up by eating right and healthy.

I learned that the trick to disciplining myself into a particular food-eating routine meant refraining from the word, diet. I also learned that meal prep is the most important condition of healthy living as it caters to those of us that are busy and it also makes eating convenient and cost effective. Meal prepping is key to living a healthy and progressive life as it takes away the distraction of always having to figure out what to eat and how to get it. Prepping, I find, gives me more time to achieve other things as I don’t have to worry about my food options.

3. In what elements of your life did you need to make changes?

First, I had to make a mental change. I had to transition into the mindset of planning which would allow for my meal prepping. I also had to understand that my health would be a lifestyle and not a trend. I shifted my goals into long term visions and thus my journey began. Secondly, I abandoned sugary drinks, fast-food, and processed foods and regulated my calorie-intake.

4. How did you learn about healthy food substitutes?

Learning about healthy food options has been a pure delight as it has taken me to the many places I never believed I would ever go: The source of these substitute recipes ranges from cookbooks to healthy living articles, and to learning from master chefs and experiencing many cultures and tribes from all over the world.

5. What inspired your mission with OM-Kitchen?

Most of the food my nutritionist made me eat was bland and tasteless and that was not sustainable because of my undying sweet-tooth. This made me dive into the world of research on healthy substitutes, natural spices, and more.

6. What type of clients should eat your food?

I don’t like to call those that buy our food clients. I believe that food is an experience that you share with friends and family. At OM-Kitchen, we started cooking to help those that desire a better, convenient, healthy, tasty, homemade meal to fuel and power the rest of their day and life. Our meals meet the requirements of those individuals that desire the finest tasting meals and value their time and place an importance on quality. Our meals are also affordable for a reason and that reason is to make healthy food options available to anyone interested in making a change in their life.

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